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    REI Models US M109 A2 MERDC Camo Loaded on a 6-Axle Flat Car  

    REI Models 68701221

    Price: $129.95

    Scale Era Railway Dimensions
    HO III DB 15.5cm
    REI Models 68701221 - US M109 A2 MERDC Camo Loaded on a 6-Axle Flat Car

    Product Features and Details
    HO Scale Era III 

    The M109 is an American 155 mm turreted self-propelled howitzer, first introduced in the early 1960s to replace the M44. It has been upgraded many times, most recently to the M109A7. The M109 family is the most common Western indirect-fire support weapon of maneuver brigades of armored and mechanized infantry divisions.

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